Dear Readers
It is a pleasure to welcome you to the eighth quarterly edition of “The Angels Messengers from a loving God” magazine. Thank you for all your letters, emails and positive feedback. We are glad that it inspires you to live a holy life and become more aware of this wonderful gift from God. Be like an angel to one another and leave everything in God's hands.
We are preparing ourselves for two miraculous events in the liturgical calendar, namely Christmas and the Epiphany. May our hearts be purified and full of joy when adoring the Infant Jesus together with the poor shepherds and the three kings on that holy night. May we kindly ask God to remove all sorrow and lack of forgiveness from our hearts so that we can open up to the angels announcing the Nativity.
Throughout the scriptures, from Genesis to Apocalypse, angels are mentioned around 300 times; they always have the same mission – to adore the Lord, to carry out His will and to reveal His messages to people.
When we look at the Psalms we can see this wonder and awe expressed in many different verses, in many different Psalms as the psalmist calls on all of creation to give glory and praise to God and He calls upon the angels to participate in that praise. Their praise has been offered from the very dawn of creation.
Today we are invited to join in their hymns, their lauds, their wonder and fascination, so our hearts also are quickened with the grace of God. Let us repeat after Psalm 148, "Praise the Lord from the Heavens, praise Him in the heights, praise Him all His angels, praise Him all His hosts, for He commanded and they were created."
I kindly ask you to let others know about our magazine and distribute it all over the world. We look forward to any questions and feedback. I would be interested to hear by letter or email any testimonies on how the angels helped you in your life. If you are interested in conferences or retreats on Divine Mercy and the angels, please contact the office or the co-ordinators whose details are found on page 31.
May the angels guide you on your way. God bless you, your families and friends.
Fr Peter Prusakiewicz CSMA