Dear Readers
Trust and hope in God
Many of you pray the holy rosary. At the beginning we start with one Our Father and three Hail Marys along with our intentions. We pray for hope, faith and love. To grow in faith, we need to pray for these three divine virtues; hope, faith and love.
If we want to have more hope we should pray for that intention.
What is hope? There is no life without hope. Often we say, ‘I hope for so and so.’ We hope that tomorrow will be better than today; so we hope. We hope for each other. I hope you will help me to overcome my problems and find a solution. When we turn to someone who is very helpful and wise we can ask and his answer will meet our thoughts and expectations.
We should have hope. When we go to watch the soccer or football match, we hope our side will win the match.
Even more so, we hope in God. When we say, “Jesus I trust You”, this refers not only to faith but also to hope. We trust and we hope in Jesus. We are not hopeless. With God nothing is impossible.
At times we have faith and we believe but we lose our hope: we do not expect that things can change for the better in the future. We should not give up hope. For God everything is possible.
Maybe you still have faith in God but do not expect anything from Him. Ask and He will listen to your prayer. The sign of hope is our persistence in prayer. We keep asking, we keep searching, we keep knocking and then God will answer our request according to His divine will.
Do not be helpless or hopeless. Follow the example of the saints. Our future is in God’s hands, trust in Him. St Faustina will help you for sure.
Prayer: Lord Jesus we ask you give us more hope. Answer our prayer, you know what we need. Bless us and guide and support us. Strengthen and fill us with your love and power.
I assure you of the constant daily prayers of the priests of the Congregation of St Michael the Archangel for all our readers and their families.
God bless you.
Fr Peter Prusakiewicz CSMA