Dear Readers

Saint Michael belongs to the choir of the archangels which is one of the lowest choirs by nature, but because of his outstanding zeal for the glory of God at the time of Satan’s rebellion he merited such glory and power that he excelled through grace to the level of angels that belong to the much higher choirs by nature.

Front cover of the Sept 2019 issue

There is a war described in the twelfth chapter of the Book of Revelation. This is a war carried out against a woman and her child by the Dragon and his angels. That woman represents in the first place the Church, but in a symbolic sense Mary. St Michael took part in this battle and finally the dragon was cast out. A dragon symbolises the Devil.

St Michael never ceases to wage war against his and our enemy. Saints encourage us to pray to him and to be under his protection. For example, St Francis de Sales wrote, “Veneration of St Michael is the greatest remedy against despising the rights of God, against subordination, scepticism and infidelity”. That is why when we feel strong temptations and we tend to give into them, we should turn to St Michael the Archangel and ask him for help.

St Michael was the protector and defender of God’s chosen people. Now he is the defender of the Church. He is invoked in sickness and most especially at the hour of death.

He appeared at different times to those who needed help and implored his aid. Several apparitions have been recorded during the Christian centuries. For example, St Michael showed himself to the shepherd and to the bishop of Siponto, on Monte Gargano in Italy. In this apparition he intimated to the bishop that the place was under his protection and it was his will that God should be worshiped there, in honour of himself and the angels and that this place would be the place of reconciliation. And this promise has been fulfilled. The Shrine to St Michael attracts many pilgrims and when they enter this place of worship, many have a great desire to go to confession, even though they did not think about it beforehand.

I assure you of the constant daily prayers of the priests of the Congregation of St Michael the Archangel for all our readers and their families.

God bless you.

Fr Peter Prusakiewicz CSMA