About Us
For twenty years from 2004 Fr Piotr Prusakiewicz, CSMA was the chief editor of two magazines, The Angels messengers from a loving God a quarterly magazine in English on the subject of Angels, Archangels, Knighthood of St Michael the Archangel and Divine Mercy and “Who is Like God” a bi-monthly magazine on Holy Angels printed in the Polish language dedicated solely to the subject of angels.
It is perhaps the only magazine dedicated to the topic of the Holy Angels and the Divine Mercy from a Catholic perspective. It includes compelling articles on the Holy Angels based on the Bible and early Fathers teachings. There are regular special features on angels in the lives of saints, frequently asked questions, testimonies, angelic prayers, and current events. Topics such as angels in films, in liturgy, in art, angelic shrines, fallen angels, visions of the Book of Angels and many more…

The Aim of this Website and The Angels Magazine
To give people a better understanding of St Michael the Archangel, the Knighthood of St Michael, the nine choirs of angels, good and bad (fallen) angels, the dangers of the New Age, the novena and prayers to St Michael. Our information comes from Holy Scripture and the traditions and teachings of the Roman Catholic Church. Readers and many Devotional Knights of St Michael read The Angels magazine to gain more knowledge on the spirituality of the angels. In addition we have several pages dedicated to the Divine Mercy. Over twenty years ago Father Peter Prusakiewicz, CSMA served as chaplain to the Congregation of the Sisters of Our Lady of Mercy in Warsaw.
The Pope's Message

In a ceremony held in the Vatican Gardens on Friday, July 4, 2013 Pope Francis with Emeritus Pope Benedict by his side consecrated the Vatican City to St Michael the Archangel. The Pope suggested that this can be seen as an invitation to reflection and prayer because “Michael fights to re-establish divine justice. He defends the people of God from their enemies especially the enemy par excellence the devil.” We as people of God must follow our Holy Father in earnestly calling on St Michael to protect the church and the whole world.